Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/29/12 Workout

- 5 min stair stepper

- 4 sets of 10 leg press

- 4 sets of 10 squats

- 3 sets of 20 leg extension
- 3 sets of 20 leg curl

- 5 sets of 10 dead lift

- 6 sets of 10-20 T-Bar lift
     -  lateral raises of 10 for rest

- 4 sets of 10-15 row

- 4 sets of 10-15 high row

- 6 sets of 10-20 lat pull down in front

- 6 sets of 10-20 lat pull down behind the head

- 3 sets till fail close grip pull-ups

Finish the workout off with some:
bicep curls and lateral raises

12/28/12 Workout

- 5 min stair stepper

(alternate between theses two with no rest)
- 3 sets of 20 seated leg raises
- 3 sets of 20 leg seated leg curl

- 3 sets of 20 preacher curl

- 8 sets of 10 close grip bench press

- 4 sets of 10 bicep curl

(alternate between the two, minimal rest)
- 3 sets of 20 bicep curl with bar
- 3 sets of 20 skull crushers

- 3 sets 20 of tricep pull down

12/27/12 Workout

Hey everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas festivities.  I forgot to upload a few workout sessions, so I will just upload the workouts I have previously done for the rest of this upcoming week.

- 5 Min stair stepper

- 2 sets of 10 standing calf extension
- 2 sets of 10 leg press

I forgot the exact numbers for this one but it was close to this:
-  4 sets of 8-10 standing bicep curls
-  4 sets of 8-10 seated bicep curls

Chest (go in order) 
- 2 sets of 15 Bench Press
- 2 sets of 8 bench press

(do these two back to back, only water break for rest)(x6)
- 6-8 bench press
- 6-10 decline press

- 2 sets of 10 flys
- 1 set of 10 chest press

-  4 sets of 10 lateral  raises
-  2 sets of 10 shoulder press
-  4 sets of 10 inverted flys

-  4 sets of 20 standing shoulder shrugs

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 7 5/19/12

- 5 min stationary bike warmup

Superset 6 sets of 10
- leg press
- calf extension

Superset 6 sets if 10
- prone leg curl
- hamstring extension

- 6 sets of 10 bench

- 6 sets of 10 incline bench

-  6 sets of 10 decline bench

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 6 - 5/18/12

- 5 min bike warmup

- 6 sets of 10 leg press

- 5 sets of 10 tricep pull down
- 5 sets of 10 overhead tricep extension, cable machine

-6 sets of 10 preacher curl

  • bicep curl till fail right after each set 
-5 sets of 10 overhead tricep extension with bar
  • lateral raises of 10 after each set 


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Train with Me Day 3 - 5/15/12

Yes I know the Hobbit is out now but you can still workout!

- 5 min stationary bike warm up

- 5 sets of 10 leg press
- 5 sets of 10 prone leg curl
- sets of 20 calf extension

- 6 sets of 8-10 Bench Press
- 5 sets of 8-10 incline press
- 5 sets of 8-10 decline bench press
  • for your rests in between each set do 10 of one of the these:
    • bent over lateral raises
    • bicep curl 
    • tricep extension 
    • pushups
    • shoulder shrugs
- 4 sets of 10 deadlift
  • during rest butterfly machine 10reps
- 4 sets of 10 T bar lift
  • during rest do cable flys (10)
Have Fun!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Train with me Day 2 - 5/14/12

Session 1

- 5 min stationary bike warmup

- 7 sets of 10 seated leg press

  • work in 3 sets of 10 prone leg curl during rest times

- 2 sets of 10 chest press

- 7 sets of bicep/tricep super set

  • cant find the link right now 
  • but what you do is standing bicep curl (10) then straight into lay down tricep extension with bar (10) = 1 set
  • rest only long enough to get a drink

- 2 set lay down tricep extension
- 4 sets dumbbell bicep curls

Session 2

Climb then after

- 6 sets of 10 bench press

  • standing side laterals in between to work on deltoids

- 4 sets 10-15 of tricep press

  • standing side laterals in between to work on deltoids


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Train with me - Day 1) 12-13-12

1) 5 min stationary bike warm up

-2 min rest

2)Click for link to exercise < Legs >

- 2 min rest

3) Bench press

  • 6 sets of 8-10 reps
  • In between sets do shoulder shrugs for your rest 
4) Incline Press
  • 6 sets of 8-10 reps
  • In between sets do 10 lateral raises for your rest 
5) Decline Press
  • 4 sets of 8-10
  • in between sets do 10 pushups for your rest
6) Shoulder shrugs

  • 4 sets of 15

When working the chest really focus on arching the back and isolating the pectoral muscle to avoid having the surrounding muscles do the work for the pectorals.


Train with me (Alex David)

Hey everyone ABS Nationals is fast approaching Feb 22nd and I thought it would be cool to do a blog training series that you can follow along with if you so desire. 

How it is going to work:
1) I am going to post my workout, whatever that may be.
2) You can check my blog see what I have posted and have the opportunity to do what I have done and follow along with me in my workout. 
3) Feel free to ask me any ?'s you may have with the workouts as well.

Hope you all enjoy!